Services Rendered

Do You Have An Item Or Collection We Might Be Interested In?

First and foremost we are happy to chat about items for Marmaduke’s collection or stock, so please contact us.

You will see from the stock we have in the shop or have previously sold what sort of items we are likely to be interested in, so please don’t be offended if we don’t appear to be too interested in Grandma’s Welsh Dresser!

We may ask for photographs from you, arrange a home visit or meet at an Antiques Fair.

If subsequently we make you an offer for your items, we guarantee that it will be a good offer and if it’s for Marmaduke’s collection, a VERY good offer!

Disposal on Commission

We are happy to offer advice on your possessions or entire collections and may agree to dispose of them for you to maximise the financial return to you, for a modest commission. We have a little black book full of trusted contacts all over the World, both collectors and dealers with very specific interests and obsessions and can place items with them. Ultimately, we can also consign items to auction. You might say that I can put items into auction myself, well you can but we know all the “wrinkles,” will do all the heavy lifting and get you a much better result.

Please understand that this is not a traditional house clearance service but a service to dispose of items or collections where we can bring our knowledge and experience to bear.

Need Help?

If you need help looking for a specific item to add to your collection, please contact us, we are sure to be able to help.