Marmaduke’s Private Passions!


I’m a Proud Salopian, a native of the most wonderful of all English Counties, Shropshire! If you see me at a fair you may well see me wearing a lovely badge with the County emblem and motto “Floreat Salopia” which means “May Shropshire Flourish.”

Marmaduke’s Floreat Salopia Badge

From an early age I became interested in the history of Shropshire and coupled with a genetic predisposition to collect stuff, a lifetime obsession was born. The collection can broadly be broken down into five different areas but the fifth class includes anything else that pulls at the heart strings; something that I must add to the collection at any cost and any risk to life or limb. If you would like to know more and who wouldn’t, please click on the links below.

If you have anything that you think I might like to add to the collection, please get in contact.

It was inevitable that I would become a dealer, I was selling things when I was still at school! I will always have Coalport and Caughley for sale; I can’t keep it all.



One of the World’s most famous porcelain brands that started life on the banks of the River Severn in Shropshire in the late 18th Century.



It started with digging up old bottles and jars on Victorian rubbish dumps and quickly progressed into a fascination into how Shropshire companies from local shops to large companies produced, sold and advertised their wares.



The Caughley Porcelain Works was only in existence for a short time but it’s legacy will last forever.

Art Pottery

Dominated by the Salopian Art Pottery of William Allen but there’s much more to it than that!


Everything Else

All sorts of things that I just can’t live without. Pictures, prints, postcards, books, the list is endless.